About US

Healthy hair – an essential base for a beautiful hairstyle.

about us

Osamu Furusato (founder / owner of ofhair) is a hair stylist. And as a professional “artist of hair”, in 1988, he started the invention of products due to his view that “to create a good hair design, you need a good conditioned hair”.

The policy of the OF Cosmetics is very simple; to create products that both the customers and the professional hair stylists would want to use. After studies and searching all over the world for ingredients which satisfies Furusato’s needs, he succeeded in the invention of broad-ranging items; from items using organic ingredients to items applying advanced technology.

Still active as a hair designer, he says that the most valuable thing for him is to be able to directly receive the customers’ opinions and comments. In fact, one of the reasons for inducing Betaine in a shampoo (one of the first in the industry) was due to the comment of a customer and also because Furusato, himself, had allergies. Till this day, he purposely damages his hair to test and check the products in order to fulfill the needs of the customers.

Because of the professionalism of the hair stylist, Furusato, the invention of the OF Cosmetics, a genuine hair-care series was achieved.